Monday 21 March 2011

Sooooo excited

I got my first confirmed booking yippee!!!! lunch time session on mothers day at the Lansdowne in Calne. It will be heaving, lots of lunch bookings, how cool!!

I was feeling a bit pants today, but I thought I would check on a few places that I had left my demo with, so glad I did. Also looks like I may get booked in Wootton Bassett for the Royal Wedding celebrations at the Prince of Wales. 

This could be the start of something!!!!!

Sunday 20 March 2011

So far...

Here I am again, I thought I would write about what I have done so far in getting my act together. This will hopefully confirm to me that I am on the right track and/or point me in the direction of what I still need to do.

My goal is to set myself up on the road to performing at functions, parties, weddings that sort of thing, and to do some more teaching and to play with my band too. The band thing seems to be going well and we are starting to get gigs booked, so that's OK.

About 3 years ago I made a CD, when I hear it now I do cringe a bit, but I can't afford a recording session at the moment, so I have copied the best 3 tracks onto a demo will have to do. I did 8 cold calls last week, to pubs and hotels that do live music locally. I haven't been called back yet, so perhaps I need to do another demo!! Mind you a couple of places were so wrong, but once I had walked in I either had to order a drink or speak to the manager about playing, I chose to speak....should have stuck to drinking!

But I am not going to be perturbed , it's early days, and I will keep trying. I have a nice young man sorting my website out, the address is And I have some cards and stuff printed.

The band are doing a gig next weekend, my daughter's after wedding party on the Isle of Wight and I am thinking I may do a short solo set on the middle and distribute some leaflets etc, you never know, some there might be planning a function and like what they hear?

Anyway, I have had a lovely busy weekend with youngest grandaughter so I am going to stop this and go make my cocoa.

night night

Starting out

Hi every one, so another blog is born. I'm Wendy, and I play the saxophone. I love it actually, so much so that at the grand old age of nearly 54 I am going to go for it and start my music business, playing at functions and parties and teaching Jazz saxophone.

This blog is going to record my journey, and hopefully share ideas and hints and tips with you, not just about music, but how to get a business going, marketing myself etc etc.

I suppose putting this blog together is one of my first actions to record, I am totally numpty at computers but hey|I did this all myself !!

I hope to record my music journey in my solo career, but also will introduce to my band, the Wednezdays.

But anyway I won't go on too much now, I want to press the save button to see if this works.